Fahan Presbyterian Church

Jesus is Lord - Romans 10: 9

Plan of Family Seats 1890s

It was traditional that each family had a specific pew. In some churches (although not Fahan) the family tended to the gravel beneath their own pew. Below is the plan of Fahan Presbyterian Church that appears to be from around 1890/ 1900.

 Fahan Presbyterian Church, Plan of seats from around the end 1800
The seats are numbered anti clockwise from the rear right hand corner then up the centre from the back. 
Click here to see some 'Favourite Bible verses' of members of Fahan. 

No. 1 to 17 up the right hand side starting at the back.
No. 18 to 34 down the left hand side from the front to the rear left hand back corner.
No. 35 to 48 is up the centre from the back to the front.
The pulpit is at the front centre. There is one seat (15) allocated to the choir.

Seat     Family Name
 1     Thos Morren (right hand seat on rear/ back corner)
 2     Alex Platt & J Patton
 5     John Moran
 6     Sam Elder
 7     W Cochrane
 8     Mrs S McCorkell
10     H Cunningham
11     J Kincaid
12     Andrew Foster
13     Rev. R. Lynn
14     J Lamberton
15     Choir
17     (pew at fron right)
20     W Hamilton
21     Mrs Stewart
22     Jas Barnett
23     John Cargill
24     Jas Wallace & Wm Wallace
26     Allan Nicholl
27     Jas McCorkell
28     Mrs J Hutchinson
29     David Elder
30     Mrs R McNutt & Mrs Donnell
31     Andrew Donnell & Mrs McKimm
32     Elliott Creswell
33     Wm Milligan
34     Mrs Hunter & Miss Millar(Left hand seat at back)
35      John Brewster (Back seat at centre)
36     D B Henry
37     James Mitchell
38     Jas F Wallace
39     Dr Hamilton
40     Moses Wallace & Miss Sproule
41     James Ferguson
42     Wm Elder
44     J Adams
47     W Quigley
48                            (Front seat at centre)