Fahan Presbyterian Church

Jesus is Lord - Romans 10: 9

Fahan & Inch PWA back in 1976

Founder member Mrs Emily Elder who was at the first meeting, and Mrs Meta Moran who joined shortly after, still worshipping in Fahan. Mrs Emily Elder was President from September 6th 1976 to 25th March 1977.

Extract from the minutes 8th November 1976, a very successful ‘bring and buy’ sale was organised and £9.50 collected.

Mrs Elder then conducted a very enjoyable quiz, general and biblical. Our thanks are due to her as she spent so much time and thought in preparing it. Tea was served. The meeting was brought to a close by saying The Lord’s Prayer.

 Any lady is very welcome to come and join us at the meetings. Nobody is too young or too old!

Many thanks for taking the time to read this article