Fahan Presbyterian Church

Jesus is Lord - Romans 10: 9

AGM Presbyterian Church

Below is an example of an Annual General Meeting in Fahan Presbyterian Church. This is an extract from the Announcement Sheet the next Sunday Morning. Each Presbyterian Church would organise things somewhat differently. The main ethos remains the same:

"Pizza, poems, praise, photographs, projector, prayer, and pavlova.

Brian Rankin

The AGM held one Friday evening past was a very enjoyable time. Members of the congregation of all ages sang well known and some new praise items, leaders and helpers were thanked for their faithful efforts in so many ways, a summary of the financial position was presented and there were great bouts of laughter from throughout the hall as Brian Rankin (of Derramore Presbyterian, Limavady, whose photographs appear on this page) ‘The Country Poem Man’ entertained.

Brian Rankin at Fahan Presbyterian Church AGM
Some almost fell out of their chair in hilarity. The evening concluded with a lovely supper. Thank you to all who made the evening such a success."

Fahan Presbyterian AGM guest Brian Rankin