Jesus is Lord - Romans 10: 9
John Macky a son of John Macky a farmer from Derry educated in
For twenty seven years his faithful horse "Jack" carried its partially blind rider throughout his rough and extensive field of labour. Jack was given to him by his brother James and it often sank in the mud to the saddle girths and set his bespattered rider under ruminating, that, "A horse is a vain thing for safety." Once on the way to Horwick to conduct a Sabbath service his horse's legs stuck fast in one of the bridges over which he had to pass and out of it he could not be got. Here was a predicament. All who intimately knew Mr. Macky can fancy his vexation and the thought of breaking his appointment. In his extremity he appealed for help to a Maori who with his wife had happened to be near. The native answered "How much the utu?" Mr. Macky handed him 2 shillings and they applied their united strength to relieve the horse. This failing, his wife was appealed to. Her response was similar "How much the utu?" The minster having disbursed his last 2 shillings, the three together managed to place his horse on terra firma. The Presbyterians of Horwick had their service that day as usual. Mr. Macky used to tell this story with glee. It will be well thought if we learn to shun the mercenary spirit of the 2 aborigines and copy the perseverance of this faithful pioneer to resolve. "We will not from the helm to sit and weep. But keep on course, though the rough winds say no."
On December 5 1889 owing to failing sight and other infirmities he resigned from the active duties of the ministry. He died on January 23 1891.
After Mr. Macky's resignation at Fahan, Rev David Hanson was installed on September 12 1854. He was born in Macoshquinn 1824 and educated OCB GC 1844 and licensed in Coleraine Presbytery 1846. His first charge was at Drumkeen and he resigned from Fahan on August 23 1860. He was installed to