Fahan Presbyterian Church

Jesus is Lord - Romans 10: 9

Romance - Not just for newlyweds

'Romance in marriage ... Isn't that just for newlyweds?

Keeping the feelings of love alive in a relationship can be hard work. Especially when you’ve already had to take the dog to the vet, pick up Sophie from gym class, do the weekly shop and stop in at your mother-in-law’s to drop off the fold-up bed you borrowed for Thomas’ sleep-over. And that’s all before midday!

Even when we know how important it is to invest in our relationships, trying to fit in some ‘couple time’ can become just another thing to add to our never ending to-do list.

But don’t give up on restoring the romance in your relationship. We’ve created this simple Couple Quiz to help you think about the amount of romance in your relationship. All you need to do is click on the link, print off two copies of the PDF, give one to your partner and spend a few minutes answering the questions over a cup of tea together.

‘When did you last…?’ will help you to think about the romantic gestures that matter most to each of you and how you can put them into practice more often.

For more relationship tips, why not have a look at the 'Faith in the family' section of the Care for the Family website?