Fahan Presbyterian Church

Jesus is Lord - Romans 10: 9

Training in Ministry Outreach TIMO AIM

The team that visited Fahan and Waterside from Africa Inland Mission were a delight to listen to and helped us in NW Ireland to better understand the role of Christians in Africa. Thank you very much for taking time to lead our Missionary Weekend. The Missionary Weekend is an annual event at both churches.

Africa Inland Mission photograph

We hope your visit to this page will be the beginning of something wonderful – something exciting. If your heartbeat is getting God’s message of salvation and new life through Jesus Christ to the far reaches of this earth, and your desire is to be equipped to do so, then take a few minutes to learn about TIMO. It’s a program designed to do just that.

These twelve core values are the non-negotiables which can be found among any TIMO team.

1.      Reaching the Lost with the Saving News of Jesus Christ.

2.      Commitment to the Local Language and Culture.

3.      Relationships, Relationships, Relationships.

4.      Lifestyle and Proclamation Evangelism.

5.      Living Among Those to Whom We Seek to Minister.

6.      We Bring Learner Attitudes.

7.      Simpler Lifestyle.

8.      Teamship - They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love.

9.      Prayer is Ministry.

10.  Training is for a Lifetime.

11.  Ministry Flows Out of Being.

12.  High View of the Local Church.